Beautiful weekend; put the fish back in the pond, and took the canoe out for her maiden voyage; a short jaunt around Pet Lake. It worked quite well though it's less stable than the rowboats I'm used to, and the dog will have to learn to stay seated (or at least towards the center of the boat) if we aren't going to get swamped. Chickadees and Red-winged blackbirds could be heard from the reeds and oak trees as we glided along the lake.
Saw a pair of Turkey Vultures wheeling over Linwood Township Saturday, and Tree Swallows performing their insectovorous acrobatics over the farmer's fields that border the Sunrise trail north of Stacy.

Did quite a bit of work on adding a feeder pond to one of the waterfalls. In theory, it collects the slow but persistent leak I seem to have gotten around the mouth of the watefall no matter how much hydraullic cement I applied, and passes it down a short streamlet back into the pond. The feeder pond has a small solar-powered pump to keep the water moving and the mosquitos out. Added a few planters with transplanted Swamp Buttercups to the feeder pond. As the water is slow-moving, protected, and easy to access, it should be perfect habitat for frogs.
Heavy rains towards the end of the week, and even a bit of hail. I'd have measurements, but the freak snowstorm put a small hairline crack in my gauge. Will have to break out the caulk.
Spring Peepers are strident all day long. Sunny pretty much all weekend with winds, often strong, moving in towards evening; temps holding in the 60's with lows in the humble 40's.
Wildlife Spotted Recently:
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Blue Jay
- Chorus Frog
- Crow, Common
- Eastern Bluebird
- Goldfinch
- Grackle, Common
- Grey Squirrel
- Loon
- Mallard Duck
- Mourning Dove
- Northern Cardinal
- Nuthatch
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Purple Finch
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Red-shouldered Hawk
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Robin, American
- Sandhill Crane
- Spring Peeper
- Tree Swallow
- Turkey Vulture
- Virginia Opossum
- Wild Turkey
- Wood Duck
- Wood Frog
- Yellow-rumped Warbler
Wildflowers in Bloom:
- Purple Pasque Flower
Emerging Native Plants:
- Columbine
- Elm-leafed Goldenrod
- Leadplant
- Prairie Smoke
- Showy Goldenrod
- Wild Bergamot
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